
Art that brings to you all the beauty of the Land of Israel

Earlier today, I received a friend request on Facebook from someone who I used to know in my childhood, and have bumped into sporadically over the past few years.  I always remember him as the geeky type who was interested in things like mathematics and computers and such things that had no part in my life (I was much more the arty/humanities type of person), and in fact he went on to get a degree in engineering and a career in high tech. 

Once we were connected on Facebook, I noticed a link to his website.  You could have knocked me down with the proverbial feather, when I saw that alongide his hi-tech career, and having 5 children, Rafi has established himself as a landscape artist in Israel.

I was so impressed with the artwork, that I am sharing the link with you, and I hope that you enjoy Rafi's artwork, as much as I did.  And, since I will be going camping in the Golan next week, here is a picture of the Banias waterfall and river that Rafi has painted.

Please feel free to contact Rafi directly if you wish to purchase his artwork, or discuss a commission with him.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, have linked to your blog from mine
