
The meaning of the Tau Cross

The Tau /Tao cross is named after the Greek letter ''tao'', or the English letter ''T'' that it resembles. The symbol has been attributed to many pre-Christian cultures including the ancient Romans and Greeks, and is one of the most established of ancient symbols. The Tao has also been connected to the Pagan Druids, who fashioned crosses in this shape from oak trees to represent the god Thau.

Tradition holds that in the 3rd century, St. Anthony, the Egyptian hermit who is considered the father of monasticism carried a Tau cross,

Nowadays it is associated with St. Francis of Assisi, who explained to his fellow friars that their monastic habit symbolized the Tau Cross. When the arms of the one wearing the habit are outstretched to the sides, it roughly creates an image of the Tau Cross. If one then includes the body of the one wearing it in the imagery, the wearer becomes a living, walking crucifix. According to St. Francis this imagery is to remind them of their lifelong devotion to God and their pledge to serve both God and man.

St. Francis of Assisi had a colourful life. The son of a wealthy merchant, he spent his youth drinking and partying and all that that entails. However, after a serious illness he renounced sin, and began to live in abject poverty, and was no longer interested in material things. He founded the order of the Franciscan Friars, and the symbol he adopted for them was the Tau Cross.

Due to his work of administering the gospel to the lepers, the Tau Cross became known for its protection against the plague and other diseases. Saint Francis died aged 44 years old, after being almost blind and very ill for the last years of his life. Two years before his death, he is said to have received the stigmata, the real and painful wounds of Christ in his hands, feet and side.

Available as a pendant and a boxed wall cross at HolyRoses.com and holyroses.co.uk


Art that brings to you all the beauty of the Land of Israel

Earlier today, I received a friend request on Facebook from someone who I used to know in my childhood, and have bumped into sporadically over the past few years.  I always remember him as the geeky type who was interested in things like mathematics and computers and such things that had no part in my life (I was much more the arty/humanities type of person), and in fact he went on to get a degree in engineering and a career in high tech. 

Once we were connected on Facebook, I noticed a link to his website.  You could have knocked me down with the proverbial feather, when I saw that alongide his hi-tech career, and having 5 children, Rafi has established himself as a landscape artist in Israel.

I was so impressed with the artwork, that I am sharing the link with you, and I hope that you enjoy Rafi's artwork, as much as I did.  And, since I will be going camping in the Golan next week, here is a picture of the Banias waterfall and river that Rafi has painted.

Please feel free to contact Rafi directly if you wish to purchase his artwork, or discuss a commission with him.


HolyRoses welcomes you to join them at their new Facebook page

Are you on Facebook? If so, join us!  HolyRoses has created a special Facebook page, and we would love for all of you readers to join in and ‘become a fan’.

We’ll make sure to let you know about knew products, and even give away some free products, share a discount code, maybe run a competition and share some of our favorite links that we feel are not to be missed… In other words: join us on Facebook, by pressing the like button at the top of the Facebook page, and we’ll try to make it worth your while!


Why you should try Zaatar spice?

Zaatar (also spelt Z'atar or Za'aatar, Zahatar or Zatar) is a spice mixture that has been popular in the Middle East for centuries for seasoning meats and flat breads. It is a mixture of wild oregano, hyssop, toasted white sesame seeds, sumac and salt. Sometimes other herbs are added such as hyssop (as mentioned in the bible) thyme and cumin and fennel seed. Different versions of za'atar will differ greatly in proportions, but this one is my favorite that I keep returning to.

This is a quality blend of zaatar and will last for a long time. I learnt to store mine in the freezer door as I saw that this is what many of my Israeli neighbours do as they say it keeps the flavour fresher - although this is not essential and you can store it in a jar in a cupboard.

The Lebanese believe that Zaatar keeps the mind alert and the body strong, and they give their children a sandwich with zaatar before sitting examinations. It is also popular in Turkey, Syria, Jordan, North Africa and Israel (where this blend is from). It is used to spice meat and poultry and vegetables, and it can be mixed with olive oil to make a spread. Zaatar is delicious sprinkled on either hummus or labane (a yogurt that has been drained until it becomes a creamy cheese). My favorite is when it is spread on a pitta bread or foccacio with a little oil and baked - it makes a delicious herbal pizza, or you can mix it with hot olive oil and dribble it over a bagel for a delicious snack.

Once you start using zaatar in your cooking you will keep finding more ways to use it as it is so delicious.

Zaatar is expensive in the UK / USA as it can be bought in small quantities in the supermarket or specialist foods stores. In Israel it is a staple food available everywhere at reasonable prices.

Pictured above is the mix itself, and below is the zaatar on pitta breads and zaatar that is growing before it is picked and dried.

Buy it here (not available to Australia due to strict import restrictions)




Camp Gravatt, SC - Fundraising Opportunity with HolyRoses

OK - it's July.  I'm in Israel.  It is hot... so,so hot - it is cooking eggs on the sidewalk hot.  Yet for the last week or so I have been thinking about Christmas.  Why?  Because I have been busy preparing a large order of olive wood nativities and Christmas decorations to go to South Carolina, USA. 

These are on their way to a fundraising even that is being held in September to raise money for Camp Gravatt

Camp Gravatt offers boys and girls from first through twelfth grade a Christian-centered, community-based summer camp experience, focused on demonstrating God's unconditional love to every camper.   The Camp Gravatt program and activities  include most of the traditional things associated with camp--archery, arts and crafts, canoeing, nature, time to play and swim in the lake, challenge course events, campfires, songs, skits, as well as time for worshipping and developing camp community.

For all activities, the philosophy at Camp Gravatt is to provide a fun, rewarding experience for each camper. Camp Gravatt staff members work to nurture and develop campers' self-esteem, rather than their competitive expertise in a particular sport or skill. The goals of the camp experience are for campers to grow spiritually, make friends, share in an affirming, Christian camp community, and have a lot of fun in a safe and healthy outdoor environment.

800 children attended Camp Gravatt attended in 2010 - some of these receiving a scholarship from the $10,000 scholarship fund currently available.  There were also 28 children of the  incarcerated who attended at no charge.   It is hoped that next year there will be even more children attending with a larger scholarship fund and that more places for children of the incarcerated will be offered.

HolyRoses wishes Camp Gravatt every success in their fundraising  efforts for this very worthy cause and invites other non-profit organizations, churches, hospitals and schools to be in contact to hear about other fundraising opportunities available.

You can find more information about Camp Gravatt at :


and on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/GravattCCC

A wide selection of Christmas Nativities and Decorations as well as other Christian products are available for purchase at these webstores:


Christmas Nativities at HolyRoses

As I am writing this it is about 100 degrees outside, and it is easy to ignore the fact that Christmas will once again creep up on me and take me by surprise.  Each year, I say this is going to be the year that I am going to be super organized and have my Christmas products in place at the right time in my webstores.  Well I am pleased to announce that this is the year.  I have ordered new Christmas products and they will be arriving soon and I will be listing them.   I already have a large order going out to the USA for a charity fundraiser.   So, if you want to get organized too, and plan your Christmas gifts, don’t let the weather deceive you.  Now is the perfect time to plan ahead and plan your Christmas gift giving.    If you are looking for small presents to give to teachers, staff etc, olivewood Christmas nativities are ideal.  Available at prices to suit all budgets.
What are Christmas Nativities?
The Nativity Scene is the staple of Christmas Decorating.   They are nativity scenes or crèche scenes that depict the birth of Jesus as described in the gospels of Matthew and Luke.   At the least, Nativity scenes show the infant Jesus, his mother Mary, and Mary's husband, Joseph. Some nativity scenes include other characters from the Biblical story such as shepherds, the Magi, and angels. The figures are usually displayed in a stable, cave, or other structure.   HolyRoses carry a wide variety of Christmas Nativity Scenes.  

A wide selection of Christmas Nativities are available for purchase at these webstores:


Olive Wood Carvers – from ancient to Modern Times

The ancient tradition of carving has been handed down from father to son over the generations, and it continues to be strong to this very day in the Bethlehem region of the Holyland, and is dominated by the descendants of the original local carvers.
It was during the 4th century CE, under Byzantine rule in Bethlehem that the tradition of making olive wood handicrafts began.  To this day, Bethlehem is the main city that produces the craft.  It is Greek Orthodox monks who taught the local residents how to skillfully carve olive wood, and with time, the art developed and became one of Bethlehem’s major industries.   Over time the industry spread to the neighboring towns of Beit Sahour and Beit Jala.    Most professional artisans go through at least six to seven years of training.
Today, the industry continues to be a major source of income for Bethlehem's Palestinian Christian residents and is the most profitable tourist product in the city with the main purchasers being Christian pilgrims visiting in Christmas time.
A wide range of products can be carved from olive wood, including small hand crosses, boxes, picture frames, covers for historical and old books, candle holders, rosaries, Christmas ornaments and nativities as well as large intricate carvings of Jesus, the Holy family, Last Supper Scenes, that take pride of place in schools, churches and other public buildings.    It can take a skilled carver several months to make one of these intricate carvings.  

Due to the uniqueness of each piece of olive wood, each piece is unique and are destined to become heirlooms for generations to come. 
Perhaps you have you visited the Holy Land in the past and bought some of these beautiful items, and regret not bringing back more with you.   Or perhaps, visiting the Holy Land is something that remains a distant dream right now.    Well now you have no need to worry.   www.HolyRoses.com sells handmade olive wood products and carvings direct from Bethlehem, the Holy Land at affordable prices.  Each one is made with love and attention to detail by skilled artisans and will be sent to you ready to be gifted to your nearest and dearest.      
These olive wood products are ideal Christmas Gifts, Easter Gifts, First Communion Gifts, Baptism Gifts, Teachers’ Gifts or as a gift for retreat or conference participants. 
See www.holyroses.com to see some of the wide range of products that are available.  Looking for something specific that you have been unable to source elsewhere, then you should contact the site owner, who is able to source a wide range of difficult to find items direct from Bethlehem.